

Be found by your people

Local searches, local businesses

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Why Local SEO?

Your community is your biggest audience – and one you might not be targeting. Get found by the people who need you the most. 

Local SEO is for local businesses who want to be found on local searches. Analysing the behaviour of users during trillions of searches, Google figured out that people seeking certain types of businesses need results from their immediate area. (A need amplified by A Certain Global Pandemic.) That’s why Google’s local search algorithm includes a proximity factor, which is a fancy way of saying that Google takes location into account, even without a suburb name or “near me” in the search.

To make sure Google sends your site to the top of the pile, we focus our energies on local area keywords in your site’s meta data and schema, managing your Google My Business profile, and maintaining consistency in over 80 different popular directories and map listings including Bing, Google and White Pages (this is called Listings management<link to blog>.

We’re all about getting found by the right people – more often than not, your people.

SEO Packages


Search Engine Optimisation – SEO

Our SEO packages can be tailored to meet the strategic needs and budget of your business.

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