
GA4 Key Event Tracking

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GA4 Key Event Tracking

Stage 4: Configuring Advanced Tracking Tags in GA4


Ensure you have your Measurement ID ready. This ID starts with “G-” and can be found in your Google Analytics account under the Admin section by clicking on Data Streams.

Step 1: Add the Base GA4 Tracking Tag

  • Action: In Google Tag Manager, click “Add a new tag”.
  • Details:
    • Name the Tag: Name it “GA4 Base Tag”.
    • Tag Configuration: Select ‘Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration’. Paste your Measurement ID.
    • Triggering: Set the trigger to “All Pages” to track basic interactions across all pages.
  • Outcome: Click ‘Save’. Your base GA4 tag is now set up to collect standard interaction data.

Step 2: Configure Click and Form Variables

  • Action: Go to the Variables tab on the Google Tag Manager homepage.
    • Configure Variables: Click ‘Configure’ and select all options under the ‘Clicks’ and ‘Forms’ categories to track detailed interactions.
  • Outcome: Click ‘Submit’ to save these variable settings.

Step 3: Track Email Link Clicks

  • Action: Add a new tag named “mailto_click”.
    • Tag Configuration: Choose ‘Google Analytics: GA4 Event’. Paste your Measurement ID again.
    • Trigger Setup: Create a new trigger:
      • Name: “mailto_click”.
      • Trigger Configuration: Select ‘Some Link Clicks’, set ‘Click URL’ contains “mailto:”.
      • Event Name: Ensure the event name is set to “mailto_click” for clarity in GA4 reports.
  • Outcome: Save and move to the next step.

Step 4: Track Telephone Link Clicks

  • Action: Repeat the process for email link clicks but name the tag “tel_click”.
    • Trigger Setup: Adjust the trigger to detect clicks where ‘Click URL’ contains “tel:”.
  • Outcome: Submit and publish the changes.

Step 5: Form Submission Tracking

  • Action: Similarly, create a tag for tracking form submissions.
    • Name the Tag: “form_submit”.
    • Trigger Setup: Create a trigger for form submissions, typically triggered by ‘Form Submission’ events.
  • Outcome: Configure and save the tag.

Checklist for Stage 4 Completion

Ensure the following tasks are completed:

  • ✅ Added and configured the base GA4 tracking tag.
  • ✅ Configured variables for clicks and forms.
  • ✅ Set up and saved the email link click tracking tag.
  • ✅ Set up and saved the telephone link click tracking tag.
  • ✅ Added form submission tracking.
  • ✅ Published all changes in Google Tag Manager.

This setup will allow you to track key user interactions like clicks on email and telephone links, as well as form submissions, providing deeper insights into where and how leads are generated.

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